Research about performance and design – interactive technology.
How motion design can help dance to communicate better.
Trying to create narratives in order to add something to dance: collaboration.
Does design reveal meanings in dance?
3 elements involved: dance, music, moving image. How they interact, collaborate? How each one can take over the other.
Dancer: “design is nothing to do with dance”.
Video can ruin or save the dance in the end.
How can design support dance? How can moving image support dance?
What you want people to see?
Discussion about dance, music, design and technology.
Have a dancer talking about the issues you want to explore. Film an interview with dancer and with sound designer.
Mix of video and speaking. Don’t need to edit video, just cut.
Do a story board and script for the presentation. (start with the dancer talking – that point the challenges. Responses from her that can help you to know what you looking for)
Do your own definition of “moving image”: clarify it. Define your parameters.
Could “your” dancer come?
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