I've changed my subject.
Dot, line, space make up of the basic unit of structure and function in typography.
Space is made up of line that consists of lots of dots. This principle is being applied in various eld.
It has wide applications in design as well.
We can come across these applications in daily life .
In my case. I’m ispired by Korean traditional patterns which has been used in
house hold items, clothing, and Korean traditional house( HAN-OAK).
I want the structure of hangul(korean), alphabet(english) take apart and make into the basic unit.
I am asked to concentrate on the understanding of the basic unit of structure (Dot, Line, Space)
It is needed to keep a simple procedure.
A process of development
Fundamental principle : Cognizance of the basic character of dot, line, space.
experiment of how to change dot into line, space.
Advanced principle : The arrangement of dot on the space.
Understanding of the nature of line and the character of curve.
The relationship between the space.
Mixture with each element.
Deformation of the structure.
Application to Korean and English : Study into the basic shape which is made up of letters.
Transform letters into the basic unit.
Combinations of elements.
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