Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Follow-up tasks from action research workshop

Many thanks for taking part in this action research.

Here is the outline of tasks:

1. Write a blog entry (minimum of 500 words) - by 30th May

Select one book, article, artist, film, object....etc. which resonates with your project in some way. Explain why you have chosen this and how/why it has influenced the direction or development of your research project.

Include any useful links to the chosen work or to your work that would help the reader understand better what it is you are undertaking in your research project.

Put this on the blog by Monday 30th May at the latest.

2. Write 2/3 questions - bring to group 1st June

Each student should read the blog entries for all the other students and write 2/3 questions or comments about each blog. Bring these written questions to the tutorial on WEDNESDAY 1st June. This will replace the normal tutorial on Thursday 2nd June. The tutorial will start after the lecture, so about 11.45.

If you are doing the research workshop on Thursday then you could select a smaller number of blogs to read, but choose at least 4 entries and write questions about these.

3. Meet in pairs - between 3 - 8 June

Anna/Carol Pablo/Rita
Amaya/Martha Soo-Young/Grace
James/Chloe Paula/John

Arrange to work together to develop/improve your presentation in advance of 9th June practise presentation. It could well be that you decide to meet again, before the whole year presentation, but this is up to you.

4. Practise presentation - 9th June

Show your presentation to the tutor group. Each of you will be asked to assess each presentation using set criteria and give your written feed back to the individual who presented.

5. Complete a brief questionnaire about this research - date to be confirmed

Thanks again.

1 comment:

  1. Somehow I can't access the blog's dashboard so here is mt written piece

    Critical Feedback

    Recently we have had the honor to listen to Sam Winston’s talk at CSM.
    We unanimously agreed that it was one of the most inspiring lectures we’ve had since the beginning of the year. To me it was particular relevant as Sam Winston’s practice is exclusively crafts drawing and poetry. He is totally passion driven and in a way, one of the last idealists in the design world. I needed to talk to someone who shared my views about design, who was ready to defend books and drawing in the digital age, and he did vigorously demonstrate that drawing is still one powerful sensitive way of communicating ideas.
    In the end of the presentation I asked him what is the difference between being a student on an MA at CSM and a freelancer?
    Instead of answering directly he asks the others in the assistance to find the pros and cons of freelancing and studying. And one of the things that came up of that exchange was in both cases Future is uncertain. I was expecting that answer and wanted him to help me understand how to cope with uncertainty as it is my essential weakness, and the major obstacle stopping me from being wildly creative. He asked the audience again to help him answer my inquiry. In the end he said that the solution is: confidence in what you do, and obsession for planning and organization. Although the outcome is never certain you need to feel what you have to do step by step to get to it. He also said to be hard on ourselves while we are in the production phase, but be gentle and proud once the work is done.

    In a nutshell, his work in essence was a reference as it is close to my area of practice and interests, his argumentation is a reference pedagogically speaking, and his ability to create interaction between us was also a reference as it allowed us to give general critical feedback to ourselves in a moment where everybody needs it .
